The city as a learning space: From culture to tourism - the heritage of Bom Princípio/RS, Brazil




The article presents the path from which the research "THE CITY AS A SPACE FOR LEARNING" emerged and, one of the first territories that was configured, the learning project called "From culture to tourism: the heritage of Bom Princípio", developed by students from sixth year of a public school in the city of Bom Princípio - RS. The problem that gave rise to the research is expressed as follows: How games and gamification can contribute to the construction of learning situations and pedagogical practices that appropriate the city as a space to promote citizen education, expressing a new type of social ecology, post-urban and atopic? The main objective was to understand the contribution of games and gamification to the development of methodologies and pedagogical practices that would make it possible to transcend the physical space of basic education schools for the city, with a view to citizen education. For the development of the research, we appropriated the cartographic method of research-intervention. As a result, the research provided elements that allowed us to understand that from the problematization of the present time, the appropriation of game elements, supported by inventive learning, the attentive recognition of / by the city, transcending, in this way, the physical space of the school for the city, which in addition to being constituted in the geographical space, expands in the digital. This provoked an expansion in the understanding of teaching and learning dwelling, enhancing Citizen Education. These elements also contributed to the systematization of what AUTOR X (2018) called inventive methodology Gamified Learning Project.


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How to Cite

Schuster, B. E., & Schlemmer, E. (2023). The city as a learning space: From culture to tourism - the heritage of Bom Princípio/RS, Brazil. Revista Contexto &Amp; Educação, 38(120), e13440.



Práticas Educativas: metodologias e saberes