Programming in basic education: Discussions from a workshop with teachers in beginning and continuing training




teacher training, visual programming, unplugged computing, digital technologies, computational thinking


Contemporary discussions on the use of digital technologies at school point to the development of computational thinking, based on programming activities. In order to provide contact between the teacher and the future teacher with these activities and enable reflections on their insertion in schools, a training workshop was held with 27 participants. The data produced with the workshop were used to carry out a qualitative investigation that aimed to analyze whether the participants would begin to identify programming as a viable possibility in Basic Education. Through an exploratory research, the data referring to the registration of the course participants' reports during the workshop, a virtual wall with a programming activity and a questionnaire carried out on Google Forms were analyzed. The analysis showed that the workshop provided an increase in the knowledge of course participants about their own programming, the choice of resources for children and the skills that can be developed. The workshop also created the opportunity for collective discussions that raise reflections on teaching practice. All students reported that they started to understand that it is possible to carry out programming activities, already in the initial grades of Elementary School.


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How to Cite

da Rocha, F. S. M., Elias, A. P. de A. J., & Motta, M. S. (2024). Programming in basic education: Discussions from a workshop with teachers in beginning and continuing training. Revista Contexto &Amp; Educação, 39(121), e12407.



Práticas Educativas: metodologias e saberes