Of the thinking linear and representationist for dialogical conceptions





Educação; Hermenêutica; Biologia do Conhecer


Most of contemporary educational phenomena have been discussed from conceptions whose central point of support is the reduction to mechanisms of competences for profitable utilitarianism. No simplistic debate will be able to announce output this condition. We consider prudentially viewing convergence between human and life sciences for through dialogue enable reflections and different ways of feeling and actions. Our objective based on studies based on theoretical frameworks is: highlight the importance of epistemological reflection from authors that indicate limits to objectivist and instrumentalist ideals of education, and capable of encourage participation and signify understandings. We signal that persistence in instrumental interest neglect the potential of formation of the human being; the desire of world and future opened is build based of the language as consensual coordination and in the hermeneutical, recognizing the interdependence because is understood that every explanatory argument also relishes the beauty, unattainable and immensurable.


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How to Cite

Strieder, R., & Farinon, M. J. (2023). Of the thinking linear and representationist for dialogical conceptions. Revista Contexto &Amp; Educação, 38(120), e12226. https://doi.org/10.21527/2179-1309.2023.120.12226



Educação, Currículo e Trabalho