Docile bodies and the disciplinary society: Surveillance as a restriction on fundamental personality rights




Personality rights; Discipline; Dignity of human person; Freedom.


The present research aims to analyze the human personality, and the interference of the techniques of disciplines treated by the philosopher Michel Foucault in the identity of the person as a human being. Tried to demonstrate that the freedom and self-determination of the individual is being violated in the face of a microphysics of power that hampers human identity, making bodies and minds docile in the context of contemporary society. For the success of this, the hypothetical-deductive methodology was used, through the theoretical-bibliographic method, with data collection carried out in academic search sites, libraries, current legislation, and scientific journals that address the subject. The results obtained circulate in the evident violation of the rights of the personality in the face of human identity, which is outraged with the discipline techniques that make bodies and minds docile, making the citizen believe that he is free, but he is inserted in a machinery of power that normalizes and standardizes in the most intimate sphere of his life.


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How to Cite

Alécio, D., & de Ávila, G. N. (2023). Docile bodies and the disciplinary society: Surveillance as a restriction on fundamental personality rights. Revista Direito Em Debate, 32(60), e13782.