Alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use among high school students and associated factors




Students, Alcohol, Tobacco, Cannabis


Objective: To analyze the prevalence and factors associated with the use of alcohol, tobacco and marijuana among students of Public High Schools in the City of Sobral-CE. Methods: study carried out with 546 students from seven high schools in the city of Sobral-CE, using an online questionnaire with sociodemographic information and the Drug Use Screening Inventory. The results were analyzed using Chi-square and likelihood ratio tests. Results: alcohol had the highest prevalence (16.8%) followed by marijuana (7.3%) and tobacco (3.5%). Studying at a school in areas with greater social inequality and attending the 2nd or 3rd year were statistically significant for the use of these three substances. Not having a religion was also associated with the use of alcohol and tobacco. Conclusions: there is a need for more effective action by the government, with intersectoral actions, involving the school community and multidisciplinary health teams


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How to Cite

Aragão, J. M. N., Morais, L. N., de Almeida, P. C., Oliveira, E. N., Vasconcelos, M. I. O. ., Viana, R. S., & Bezerra, S. M. N. . (2024). Alcohol, tobacco and marijuana use among high school students and associated factors. Revista Contexto &Amp; Saúde, 24(48), e14098.

