The criminalization of homophobia in Brazil: An analysis in the light of the sociological theory of deviance




deviation, criminalization of homophobia, outsider


This work aims to reflect on the criminalization of homophobia in Brazil in the light of the sociological theory of deviance. Based on Becker's (2008) reflections, it is understood that a conduct is deviant when society considers it so, regardless of the conduct itself or the person who commits it. Thus, homosexuality is considered a deviation, considering that most existing societies condemn it, especially from the beginning of the Judeo-Christian era. However, after changes in recent decades, many nations started to criminalize homophobic acts, including Brazil, after the decision of the Supreme Court in 2019. The work methodology consists of bibliographic and dialectic analysis involving the sociological theory of deviation and the socio-juridical reality of the criminalization of homophobia in Brazil. As a result, it is possible to conclude that the imposition of Law is not enough to turn homophobic behavior into a deviation, nor does it transfer, by itself, the figure of the outsider from the homosexual to the homophobic, despite contributing in this sense. Only a profound cognitive and social change is able to change the conception of the LGBTQIA+ individual as inferior.


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How to Cite

Bicalho, E. B., & Costa, M. A. N. (2024). The criminalization of homophobia in Brazil: An analysis in the light of the sociological theory of deviance. Revista Direito Em Debate, 33(61), e12729.